4 chan

Kanske är det dags att forgive and forget? För ett år sedan bad jag om tentakler och de svek mig. Men kanske saknar de mig lite då och då de också?
You are 74% 4chan material.

You're an average 4channer - far from being a newfag, with plenty of knowledge of our subculture and various memes, and the potential to be downright hilarious at times. Yet you've managed to keep a few shreds of your sanity, and aren't the out-of-hand Anonymous that makes it to those news reports. In other words, you are the best kind of 4channer.

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Postat av: Richie

You can never really leave 4chan... before you know it you'll be back there... fapping away to some trap. Mmmmm traps...

I got 64%. That worries me. Must spend more time on the /b/ instead of going to this silly work thing :)

2009-04-07 @ 22:57:34

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